Monday, August 16, 2010

What's new around here...

Absolutely nothing :p

Life seems to have slowed down a little. A while ago it was a high speed train going so fast I hardly have time to take it all in, but now it’s just chugging slowly along. I guess I enjoy it better like this anyway. For now :)

In family news: The youngest little member of the family seems to have reached that "terrible two" stage a little early (17 months). I detest the term actually, because people often dismiss Behavioural Issues with a "Oh, Jonny's just going through his terrible two stage. He'll get over it". Which, if left ignored, quickly develops into the spoiled brats that Dad has to look after at work (day-care centres), haha! Anyway, I shall stop ranting about that now... So yes, usually in our family the youngest member gets rather spoiled, and it’s hard not to give them their own way all the time when there's so many of you around to spoil them. But after a while, the sweet little darlings turn into little red faced monsters whenever they don't get given what they want, when they want it and how they want it. Then everyone starts telling Mum "the baby’s turning into a spoilt little brat! You need to do something!" The poor little tykes don't even know what's coming :)

So today we had a little guy SREAMING the house down... so bad we could hardly do our school (don't worry, he wasn't hurt, he just wanted to get picked up but wouldn't ask - he can speak very well for his age, and well all knew he could say it). Like a little monster! We eventually put him in another room so we could get stuff done, and in the end it was Dad that made him calm down and asked to be picked up (he says "hop up" it's so cute!) I guess we've got a few more of those days coming up. He'll just have to learn that he can't always get his way. Then he'll be back to his cute little self again- hopefully :)

Not much else is new around here... I got the little ones to race against teach other doing their school this morning, with lollipops when they were done. Now they're going to ask for more tomorrow I bet. Silly me. But hey, it worked! :)

On Sat night I watched a really scary movie called "The Village". Lydia and I were so terrified! And I even saw younger brother blocking his ears! Yes! I love teasing the boys :) What a mean sister I am haha. Anyway, I thought the movie was so scary I never wanted to watch anything like it again. And Dad told me it's not even a real horror! Oh well. I guess I'll stick to Pride and Prejudice and the like after that :)



Lydie said...

It really is a scary movie! I was absolutely scared when I watched it - I think I screamed when I saw the monster in the woods..

Rachel said...

I'm sorry I didn't see your comment! Yeah I think I *might* have screamed too.. and hid behind blankets :D