Sunday, September 12, 2010

For Young Women Only

No, it's ok to read this if you're a guy, For Young Women Only is just the title of a book I've been reading =D, although this post is more addressed to girls.

The book title is rather intriguing though, isn't it? I had seen it in a bookstore and it got me rather curious too. An excerpt from the back cover asks "Why are guys so weird?"
Well that's a good question isn't it?! I mean, do you ever feel like guys are so strange and sometimes they get really mad at things that aren't really worth getting mad at? Well the other day I went to my friends’ house and found this book she had left out because she thought I might want to read it! I was so thrilled! So I started reading...and it was actually quite interesting. The authors (Shaunti Feildham and Lisa A. Rice) have conducted surveys for guys to take to find out how they really thought and felt about different things. And it’s so fascinating! I learned tons of things about guys that I had no idea about. For example, did you know that most guys would rather be unloved and alone than feel disrespected and inadequate? I knew that y’know; women should respect their husbands, but actually all guys have a huge need to be respected by girls. Respect to them is more important than love! (BTW, this survey polled American guys ages 15 – 20 and said 63% of guys would rather feel alone and unloved, while only 37% would rather feel inadequate and disrespected) Wow!
I kept reading… It talked about how we tease guys. We love to tease don’t we? I know I can tease my brothers quite awfully. But according to FYWO, or the surveys they took, teasing guys can be torture to them! Are you scared yet? I was! I mean, how many times have I “harmlessly” teased my brothers (i.e. about their haircuts, skills, who they liked etc)? One guy said for the survey “Girls don’t realize how easily they can embarrass us. And when you’re embarrassed, you don’t want to say anything. Honestly, I get mad; I just don’t show it. But as soon as we’re in private, I say, “Why did you do that? Couldn’t you wait until another time?” And it’s worse if it’s in front of her friends because they’ll all talk about it later. It’s terrible. I’m thinking, Do other girls that don’t even know me also think that?”

It covers a lot more things too but you’ll have to read the book to find out =) Anyway, I highly recommend it! All girls should read it. It will change what you think of guys, challenge you, and give you more understanding of how they think.


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